Oct 28, 2019
So last week we looked at Satan’s three main kinds of attack,
Possession, Obsession and Temptation. Today we are going to zoom in
on Temptation... because
this is the one attack we all face daily, and it’s the front door
for the other two attacks.
Oct 22, 2019
If you are going to survive - you MUST know your Enemy and how he operates.
There are basically 3 things Satan can do... Not 4 not 5... 3 Possession, Obsession and Temptation
Oct 14, 2019
Through this series I want to show you in scripture how there
are forces at work that your eyes cannot see. They are intricately
involved in your life and God’s Word is pregnant with truth about
these spirit beings calledAngels and Demons.
Now we are going to begin our study by looking at Demons and their
Oct 7, 2019
Matthew 5:9–12 (ESV)
9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.